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Client Confidence Leads to Sales

Learn these 12 words by heart to win a lot of customers

Consistency leads to Familiarity

Familiarity leads to Confidence

Confidence leads to Sales

If your message, or even the name of your company, is seen often by your prospects, unconsciously they will develop trust in it. A regularly repeated sales message is a good thing.

You can see how strongly this works by comparing your own feelings about a well-known brand with those you have towards an unfamiliar, 'own-label' or generic brand.

Be Familiar

How long is it since you last had contact with an old client or prospect? If it's many months, do you really think that they will call you when they have a requirement? Even if they think of you, there's the practical difficulty of locating your contact information, since it has been so long that they had dealings with you.

To grow your business, establish a schedule for sending reminders in some form out to everybody that you would like to do business with. If you can automate this to some degree, the task isn't too much of a burden. Maintain a database of the contacts and include a field for 'next contact date' then mail a letter, make a call or even just send an email.

Choose an interval between sendings which is appropriate; every day or every week is definitely excessive and at the other extreme, once a year is not enough. In my business I like to be in touch with clients three or four times a year; choose a frequency which is right for your speciality.

If you do this, then when the prospect has a need for what you supply, your name will come to mind and even if they have not previously bought they will have a feeling of confidence, because your company name is one that they are familiar with.

Then you have an advantage over your competitors who haven't made the effort to put their name in front of the prospect. You will be more trusted and all things being equal, your chance of getting the sale is greater.


If you enjoyed this article, take a look at my book.

The Selling for Engineers manual

About the Selling for engineers manual


And if another challenge facing your business is recruiting an effective salesperson, see also:


How to Hire a Really Good Technical Sales Engineer


More articles on better selling






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