A Bit of a Sore Throat:
A patient's perspective on throat cancer and its treatment
I don’t know your reason for looking at my book, but before going any further, I do hope it’s not because you or a person close to you has cancer; it’s a horrible disease. My story is about my own experience of stage 4 throat cancer and what I have learned by researching – I’m not an expert; this isn’t a medical textbook and my description won’t necessarily match how things go for other people, but it should give you some insight and forewarning of what to expect. Some of it was frustrating, some painful and surprisingly other parts which went far better than I expected. This book is what I would have been very happy to read before the start of my encounter with cancer. Despite the serious nature of the topic, I think you’ll find plenty of moments which make you laugh.
Verified Purchase
“Not the most cheerful of topics – cancer – but Robert is able to put a lighter spin on the whole experience, without losing any of the gravitas.
For anyone who has just received a cancer diagnosis – or is fearful of one – reading Robert’s story may well answer many questions and worries they have. Of course, everyone’s cancer journey will be different but it is heartening to read how Robert faces up to the more unpleasant aspects of his treatment with cheerful resilience. I never thought a book about cancer could be funny!
It is not just a narrative about his illness, however. There are fascinating facts and figures that certainly opened my eyes. Robert is never shy of giving his opinion (see ‘Robert’s Rants’!) and is the kind of person who is forthright enough to ask the doctor the questions we all want answering!!
Some may say it’s not for everyone. But I disagree. Considering about half of us will experience cancer in our lifetime – with the rest knowing someone who has – I would argue that it makes essential reading.”

How to Handle Angry People
Please note that this book is not about self-anger management.
It is for persons who encounter angry people in their work. It explains how to reduce the problem and stay safe.
Insults retorts witticisms smart ass remarks comebacks put-downs and other things you wish you had said:
Funny, rude, sarcastic comebacks and witty quotations.
Here’s an armoury of witty, crude, lewd, sharp and nasty put-downs. Comebacks you can draw on for next time you are in an argument. A resource for writers, speakers, jokers, those who love language and have time on their hands. A certain type of reader will enjoy these humorous, witty, insults and irreverent quotations, others will be appalled. NOT FOR CHILDREN or sensitive flowers.
RATING ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
RATING ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Hostel Hell:
Homeless - a year spent with crazies,
druggies, prostitutes, con men, gangsters, and some really great people

The Selling for Engineers manual
How to win more profitable business
Business development books
for scientific, engineering and technical organisations

The Prospecting for Engineers Manual
How to increase sales fast at low or no cost.
Review Mark R.
“It was comprehensive. I can see prospecting as being a positive way in which we as a company can further promote our business.”
Review Euan M.
How to Motivate Sales People
Without Spending A Lot Of Money
Review Colin D.

How to Hire a Really Good Technical Salesperson
Hiring a good salesperson for a technical business is difficult, expensive and frustrating
Review Mark S.
Finding the right parking, spot if you want to camp, takes time. You need a place where ….
Hello, my name is Hans, I am coming from Tschermanny. Oh you guessed?
I vont to …..

Joe Cloud Story
In this town there’s not much to do after dark if you’re trying to stay sober. And …..
It was Terry Chan who suggested that I get into carpet cleaning, the idea had never …..
50+ Articles on Sales Skills
Good Morning - You Are Going to Die
I’m not a terrorist, I just want to tell you something that will help you get more of what you want during this brief life.
The Tortoise, the Hare and the Salesman
Good and steady’ beats occasional greatness in the race for big earnings. Do the simple basics right and you will be the top
Become a Big Earner With 2 Simple Ideas
Some salespeople seem to have a special magic, they are always bringing in new, big deals. But if you have not.
12 Universal Principles of Success
Some salespeople seem to have a special magic, they are always bringing in new, big deals. But if you have not.
True Tales of a Road Warrior
Some salespeople seem to have a special magic, they are always bringing in new, big deals. But if you have not.
Four Ways to Convert Difficult Prospects Into Happy Customers
Some salespeople seem to have a special magic, they are always bringing in new, big
Do You Hate Selling? These Ideas Will Help
I’m not a terrorist, I just want to tell you something that will help you get more of what you want during this brief life.
High-Pressure Closing Technique #1
Good and steady’ beats occasional greatness in the race for big earnings. Do the simple basics right and you will be the top. performer
Seven Deadly Motivations to Sell More
Some salespeople seem to have a special magic, they are always bringing in new, big deals. But if you have not.