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Eight Common Sales Mistakes

- and what to do about them

  1. Not listening attentively.

  2. Trying to sell you what they have got rather than finding out what your client wants.

  3. Not showing appreciation for the business your client gives you.

  4. Making promises but not keeping them and passing the buck when things go wrong.

  5. Using 'sales techniques' to try and pressure people into buying.

  6. Not knowing much about your products or your client's business.

  7. Losing interest if the client doesn't want to buy immediately.

  8. Un-punctuality or not respecting the client's time

The antidote to each of these complaints is simple once we stop to think about them. But simple things are not always easy to do. To lose weight all you have to do is eat less but doing it takes conscious effort and discipline.

The same applies to handling customers. If you take them for granted the likelihood of them enjoying doing business with you decreases sharply. Instead, focus on being a 'Friendly, Helpful Expert' - with equal emphasis on all three parts.

If you enjoyed this article, take a look at my book.

How to Motivate Sales People manual


And if another challenge facing your business is recruiting an effective salesperson, see also:


How to Hire a Really Good Technical Sales Engineer


More articles on better selling




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